2/12/03 10:29 P.M.
The review of Movie 6 is finally up. I also added image clickable bios and new link. A new message board is also up and running. The old one had some problems, but hopefully the new one will have better success.
1/4/02 12:19 A.M.
Well my first new update of the new year. I'm still working on the movie reviews, but they are coming along slowly. I'll try to post some more soon. I have now completely finished the Z-Mall fan-fic. I shall post some more fan-fics soon.
11/24/02 10:06 P.M.
I added the review of Movie 5. The review to Movie 6 will up soon.
10/17/02 9:51 P.M.
I finished the Z-Mall fan fic and changed a few errors. I'll add a few more fan fics I've written soon.
10/15/02 10:00 P.M.
I'm back and stuff. I've updated my opinion of Funimation. I plan to add some new stuff very soon.
9/14/02 1:09 P.M.
For the next week (possibly two weeks), I'll be getting my computer fixed. The images will be nothing but red x's during that time. When I get my computer back I'll reload the images back on the site. My computer problems is a reason I haven't updated in awhile. When I get my computer back I'll have some big updates on the site. So later for now.
8/02/02 1:27 A.M.
I added Cell's bio and a couple of images in the images section. I also noticed that there's another DBZ site called "Dragon Ball Z Legacy". So I have changed the name of this site to "Dragon Ball Z Chaos."
7/30/02 11:47 P.M.
It's been awhile, but I updated the site again. I added the Movie 4 review and changed around some stuff in the bios and reviews. I went back and changed Saiyan to Saiya-jin and Frieza to Freezer. I figured I should go for using the orginal names instead of the dub names. I'll probably add some bios tommorrow.
6/24/02 1:30 A.M.
Nappa's bio is now up. I hope to add a review for Movie 4 soon.
6/23/02 12:48 A.M.
Well I finally made a decent good update again. I added the "How To Be Vegeta" since GGG and Vegeta's Insane closed down, and the owners said that all of its content is up for grabs. I removed the timeline because I found some errors on it. I added two DBZ Family Trees, and my newest bio, featuring Gohan. I hope to get another update with some more movie reviews soon.
6/3/02 3:56 P.M.
I put up a timeline and the Movie 3 review.
6/3/02 12:45 A.M.
I added a new link, as well as descriptions to the sites linked. I plan to have a couple of new movie reviews as well as a timline up sometime soon.
5/31/02 11:32 P.M.
Put up two fan-fics. More to be added soon. And I fixed some errors in the character bios.
5/29/02 10:31 P.M.
Page 1 of the image gallery is now up.
5/29/02 2:53 P.M.
HUGE UPDATE! I changed the name of the site and the background, plus I added new bios and movie reviews.
4/27/02 8:52 P.M.
I added some more stuff. A new bio, and opinion. More stuff to be added tommorrow.